Our Mission
Established in 1991, the Terwilliger Plaza Foundation has an important and two-fold mission:
To support Terwilliger Plaza to enhance the quality of life of its Members;
To support the Lesta Hoel Memorial Trust Fund so that no Member has to leave the Plaza due to financial hardship.
It’s a resource for Members to get involved where they live, creating a stronger, more vibrant community.
Our impact is here, there, and everywhere
From a new massage therapy room to a new grounds utility vehicle, music and library funding to employee scholarships, you can see the impact of the Terwilliger Plaza Foundation all over the community. The Foundation awards about $150,000 each year in grants to enhance the programs and facilities at Terwilliger Plaza.
Recent improvements provided by the Foundation
Electric vehicle charging stations
New massage therapy room
Grounds utility vehicle
Fitness equipment for the Wellness Center
Regular funding for music and library programs
Scholarships for employees or their family members to further their academic and professional development
New Metcalf entrance
Terwilliger Plaza Foundation is proud to be able to support our employees by offering scholarships. The Foundation has two endowed scholarship funds: The Dee Sellner Fund, in honor of our longtime chief executive officer, and the Kilkenny Education Fund, made possible by a former resident. Jane Kilkenny especially appreciated her caregivers and wanted preference given to students seeking health care or retirement center related fields. Dee Sellner is passionate about lifelong learning and wants preference given to students who return to school later in life. The King/Nesewich Fund also provides financial support for our staff.
Giving is in our DNA
Lesta Hoel Memorial Trust
We’re proud that no Member has ever had to move because they have exhausted their personal resources. That’s thanks to the Lesta Hoel Memorial Trust, which is named for the founding chairman and first president of the Board, Lesta Hoel. This trust is a permanent fund used to assist Members of Terwilliger Plaza who have exhausted their funds and need assistance with living expense.
Meet the Board of Directors
As a nonprofit organization, Terwilliger Plaza Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, which is composed of both Plaza Members and representatives from the external community. The Board meets six times each year to provide strategic direction and fiscal oversight. Interested in serving? The Foundation welcomes new Board Members who are committed to ensuring that the Foundation fulfills its mission and achieves its goals. Please contact us for more info.
George Ammerman
Foundation President
Jerry Burgess
Foundation Vice President
Peggy Snyder
Foundation Secretary
Emily Bradford
Foundation Treasurer
Marilyn Gifford
Foundation Executive Director
Allen Dobbins
Foundation Inside Director
Phyllis Maynard
Foundation Inside Director
Brad Mersereau
Foundation Inside Director
F. Jackson Lewis
Foundation Outside Director
Josh Cepeda
Foundation Outside Director
We'd love to hear from you
Contact us for more information about how you can support the Terwilliger Plaza Foundation with your time, talents, or treasures.
Mail: Contact—Marilyn Gifford 2545 SW Terwilliger Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97201
Phone: 503-808-7884
Helpful Donation Information:
Fred Meyer Community Rewards #: TB577
Vehicle Donation Contact
Terwilliger Plaza Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with Tax ID# 93-1062307. The Lesta Hoel Memorial Trust Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a Tax ID# 93-6071709